Updated 3/12/20: Please see this update from FIRST headquarters about the 2020 season: https://www.firstinspires.org/covid-19.
An official FIRST LEGO League Jr. Expo will take place on April 25th at Center Middle School.
This Expo will have a large team capacity (>20 teams) and not be held in conjunction with another official FIRST event. It will be completely dedicated to celebrating FIRST LEGO League Jr.!
If you are a registered FLL Jr. team, look for information from Chrissy Chandler about this opportunity after Nov. 1st.
See information on Expos on the FIRST LEGO League Jr. Team Portal Page.
Venue, start and end times, and date are subject to change. Watch for more information.
Questions: contact our FLL Jr. Partner, Chrissy Chandler.